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News around SuP



Schlegel und Partner in METissue: Konsumenten mit niedrigem Einkommen und die Nachfrage nach Vliesstoffen

29 Oct 2013
Die Vliesstoff- und Tissueindustrie ist ständig in Bewegung und sehr dynamisch. Eine der zahlreichen Herausforderungen dieser Industrie sind Strategien der Produzenten für Consumer-Produkte, die das Ziel verfolgen, die Absatzmarkt auf Konsumenten mit niedrigem Einkommen auszudehnen. Besonders große, multinationale Unternehmen haben diesen großen Markt im Visier.


Schlegel and Partners at Aachener Kolloquium in China: Electrified Two-Wheelers - from a lifestyle solution to a new mobility concept

29 Oct 2013
Whether Pedelec, S-Pedelec, E-Bike, E-Scooter or E-Motorcycle, everyone talks about Electrified Two-Wheelers as new means of transportation these days.


Customer satisfaction in plant construction

11 Sep 2013
Measurement of customer satisfaction, which reflects the unique features and business structures of a company, is a prerequisite for successful and goal-oriented customer retention. A number of special features of the B2B sector, and especially plant construction, make it necessary to consider interdependencies of contact points and business phases in such analyses.


Renewable energies in crisis?

11 Sep 2013
Industrialization of emerging economies, continuing population growth and increasing environmental awareness are mega-trends that should sustainably increase the use of renewable energy sources in electricity generation. However, the growth of alternative technologies is stalling, and many companies are questioning whether it is still worth their while to maintain a focus on these markets.


The future of alternative fuels

11 Sep 2013
Developers in the automotive industry are investing considerable effort in the reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Additionally, many of them are also addressing the question of which fuels will be required in the future.


Rail – The new old growth market

11 Sep 2013
There are few industries for which the term "old economy" is as fitting as it is for the rail and rail vehicle industry. But much as in Europe in the 19th century, the industry is playing a crucial role in the industrialization process in today's emerging markets.


Whatever happened to all the E-Mobility hype

08 Sep 2013
The development of components for electrically driven or electrically assisted vehicles has become much more visible in recent years. Are we now caught up in the great leap forward which will culminate in annual production of one million electric vehicles in Germany by the year 2020?


The Crop Factor: Efficiency in Agriculture

08 Sep 2013
The agricultural market is a growth market: Demand for agricultural machinery and agrochemicals is due to increase significantly within the next few years. Most important drivers are a growing world population and growth of income, which has an impact on nutritional habits. Yet agricultural production remains inefficient in many parts of the world.


The Social Media strategies of large B2B companies

04 Aug 2013
Increasing user numbers are enhancing the role of Social Media not only for B2C but also for B2B companies when it comes to quickly reaching and addressing clients, employees, potential applicants, media representatives, and the general public. A few years ago it was still uncertain whether the hype about Facebook, YouTube, and other Social Media platforms would soon fade. However, now it is clear that surfing and communicating in Social Media is part of everyday life for millions of users.


Employer Branding: Successful implementation in B2B Firms

08 Apr 2013
Employer branding is the new catchphrase in HR marketing. Given the current and the future situation on the labor market, this field of communication is worth every effort: Already today, the demographic development and the so-called “war of talents” lead to bottlenecks in the recruitment of qualified workforce. As a consequence it becomes increasingly important for companies to be perceived as a positive and attractive employer brand by current and potential employees.


New perspectives in Russia - Opportunities resulting from new WTO membership

08 Apr 2013
Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will accelerate the modernization and differentiation of the country’s economy. German companies with insight into the Russian market could be major beneficiaries.


Schlegel und Partner in ChinaContact, das führende deutschsprachige Wirtschaftsmagazin über China

14 Jan 2013
Der chinesische Dieselfahrzeugmarkt steht in den Startlöchern für Euro IV.


International market research for a development project in the area of elevator, conveyor, and storage technology

22 Nov 2012
For successful clients and market-oriented development of new products or systems it makes sense to integrate market research already in the pre-development phase. Schlegel and Partners often plays an important role here, especially in international market research requiring prompt execution for technically demanding and complex products and systems, as the following case of one of our clients shows.


Africa on a continuous growth trajectory

22 Nov 2012
Africa has become an increasingly attractive location for foreign investors not only from EU countries and the US, but also from BRIC countries like Brazil and China. Economic, social, and political stabilization provide improved opportunities to invest in Africa’s abundant natural resources and in land utilization and infrastructure projects. Schlegel and Partners can contribute to the success of going-to-market or investment decisions by gathering the required market information through desk research and qualitative interviews with experts and market participants.


Hot and highly pressurized – market research in the oil and gas industry

22 Nov 2012
Although worldwide oil and gas production is still increasing, conventional oil production has already peaked, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). Oil and gas production technologies are in a transition phase: fracking, oil-sand technologies, and deep-sea production are just a few buzzwords describing current paradigm shifts in fossil fuel recovery. However, technology challenges provide opportunities for oil production equipment manufacturers.


Truck technology is in transition

22 Nov 2012
Many advances in heavy commercial vehicles may significantly improve fuel efficiency but require, on the one hand, some five to ten years before implementation. On the other hand, adaptation of road traffic regulations is required to get many of the new improvement technologies on the road.


From aftermarket to original equipment! – The OES market for C-parts

16 Jul 2012
The aftermarket business has long been recognized by major vehicle manufacturers as offering important sales potential and in particular a source of earnings.


20 years of Schlegel and Partners

16 Jul 2012
Schlegel and Partners was founded by four partners in 1992 as a management buyout of the central market re-search unit of Freudenberg. The founding idea of acting as a missing link between market research and consulting in the capacity of a global growth consultant still forms the basis of our strategic positioning today.


Drive your customers before they drive you crazy

10 Jul 2012
How detailed knowledge about the value-creating properties of your business increases your margin.


Qualitative market research and the chemical industry – still an unsaturated compound

01 Jul 2012
Hardly any other industry has changed our everyday lives as much as the chemical industry. One reason is that chemicals are used in almost every industry. Whether we talk about new raw materials or engineered solutions, chemicals play a vital role in improving the properties of consumer products and in modifying materials.


In-depth knowledge of the energy market can significantly boost suppliers’ sales

30 Jun 2012
World population growth and increasing industrialization in emerging economies are driving the global demand for energy at an unprecedented rate. In the coming years, power generation growth rates will typically lie above the industry average. Many companies will thus be well advised to develop an appropriate strategy, even if they have not hitherto been active in the energy market.


Wind Energy: Almost every new plant is a prototype

02 Mar 2012
Wind energy generation is rapidly emerging as a resource efficient, low carbon and cost-effective technology around the world. Global nameplate wind power capacity increased from 17 GW in the year 2000 to 159 GW in 2010. Today, existing wind power plants have the capacity to generate about 2.5% of the worldwide electricity consumption. However, not only the total capacity of wind energy plants increased in recent years, but also the size of the individual power units. In addition, the adopted technologies still advance with enormous pace, which is a real challenge to the manufacturers in the wind industry. Schlegel and Partners supports suppliers to this industry by gaining intelligence about today’s technological requirements and future technology trends.


Market Research in MENA countries

02 Mar 2012
Schlegel and Partners generates insights into markets in the MENA region

The potential economic attractiveness of countries in the MENA region is opposed to the poor availability of reliable market information. Especially companies active in B2B business are often faced with the fact that statistics required for a sound strategic decision do not exist or are rather unreliable.


Old wine in new skins - what is special about the concept of the 48 Volt-vehicle electric system?

02 Mar 2012
The expert conference of the VDI about “Electrics and Electronics in the Vehicle” in November 2011 left the participants at least with one big surprise: A representative of a vehicle manufacturer introduced the basic concept of a 48 volt-electric system in a passenger car. Preceding this presentation was an appeal of five vehicle manufacturers in July last year in Ludwigsburg, when automotive suppliers were requested to actively develop components for 48 volt-vehicle electric systems. Participants being familiar with the matter have seen a parallel to the discussion about a 42 volt-vehicle electric system at the end of the last decade, which went lost because of the high prices of the components.


Schlegel and Partners: Organizational announcement

06 Feb 2012
2012 comes with organizational changes for Schlegel and Partners


Schlegel and Partners supports the work of Médecins sans Frontières in Somalia

10 Oct 2011
In view of the devastating drought and famine which Somalia is facing, Schlegel and Partners decided to support the ongoing operation of Médecins sans Frontières in the country. The company donated EUR 2,000 and doubled the associates’ donation so that finally EUR 4,500 were transferred to Médecins sans Frontières.


Taking a Stake in the BRIC’s Success - Schlegel und Partner in planung & analyse international 2/2011

12 Sep 2011
Taking a Stake in the BRIC’s Success

How to Conduct B2B Market Research in the BRIC Countries

As the BRIC countries are becoming part of the world’s largest economies, an in-depth understanding of their market dynamics, technological standards and cultural, political and religious parameters is crucial. This can be obtained through professional B2B market research know-how. As business relationships in all BRIC countries differ significantly from those in the US and Europe, research methodologies need to be adapted to new standards. This is essential for obtaining valuable and valid data. Also for the successors of the BRIC group, a specially designed market research approach will be necessary catering to predominantly Islamic markets.


Developing the right products using B2B market research - Schlegel and Partners in "planung & analyse" 4 / 2011

17 Aug 2011
Developing the right products using B2B market research

In times of tough competition it is vitally important to ensure that product innovations and developments are aimed specifically at customer requirements in particular and market demand in general. Qualified B2B market research supports management in achieving these goals.


Schlegel and Partners in the renowned daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)

23 May 2011
Precious plastic waste. Battle for old bottles by Bernd Freytag


Challenges for B2B companies in the Social Media

13 Apr 2011
Running your own website is no longer enough. Companies must react to the growing success of interactive platforms in the world wide web. Schlegel and Partners has analyzed Social Media activities of leading B2B companies in Europe and North America. Social Media offer great opportunities not only to B2C companies selling mass products to thousands of clients, but also to B2B companies doing business in more specialized markets. In any case one must also be aware of the risks linked to communication on interactive platforms.


The BRIC countries on their way to the top of the world

30 Sep 2010
BRIC has become a popular abbreviation for the four large emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India, and China. In the next decades their economic growth will change the global economy substantially with important consequences not only for them but also for western advanced economies.


Almost nothing in the car runs without electricity

16 Aug 2010
Someone with a 1970 Mercedes 200D / 8 could run the engine even after the power supply was turned off. But the days of purely mechanically controlled pre-chamber injection pumps are long gone. Hybrid or electric vehicles are not the only ones dependent on the supply of electric energy. Several vehicles have more than 100 ECUs (electronic control units), which are all supplied with electricity.


Nachhaltige Unternehmensstrategie mit CSR

24 Mar 2010
Gerade in unberechenbaren Zeiten setzen viele Unternehmen auf Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte im weitesten Sinne und überlegen, wie sie ihre Produkte und vor allem Prozesse nachhaltiger gestalten können. Die Einführung eines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)-Leitbildes ist dabei für viele Unternehmen das Mittel der Wahl. Ein Leben des CSR-Leitbildes führt in vielen Fällen zu mehr Innovationskraft, einer höheren Mitarbeitermotivation und last but not least zur Aufdeckung von erheblichen Kosteneinsparpotenzialen. Zusätzlich kann oft ein Imagegewinn, sowohl in der Innen- als auch Außenwahrnehmung, verzeichnet werden.


Reife Märkte, etablierte Anbieter, wenig Innovation: Warum Vliesstoffe trotzdem eine lukrative Zukunft haben.

19 Nov 2009
In den letzten 20 Jahren ist der Gesamtmarkt für Vliesstoffe in Europa um ca. 9 % jährlich gewachsen. Dabei haben sich die Anteile der Zielmärkte, in die die Vliesstoffe geliefert werden, gleichmäßig weiter entwickelt. Wichtigster Abnehmermarkt ist nach wie vor die Hygieneindustrie, vor der Bauindustrie. Hinzu gekommen sind in den letzten Jahren die Wischtücher - Wipes an dritter Stelle. Auch konnten sich Vliesstoffe in der Luft-, Gas- und Flüssigkeitsindustrie behaupten. Alle anderen Abnehmerbranchen liegen prozentual weiterhin unter 5 % des Gesamtmarktes.


The optimization of the combustion engine offers many opportunities for automotive suppliers

21 Sep 2009
Everyone is talking about alternative drive concepts like hybrid cars or electric vehicles. Yet, by 2025, about 60% of the approx. 100 M light vehicles will still be driven by conventional combustion engines.


Packaging design and development are substantially influenced by global megatrends.

20 Sep 2009
Once upon a time, packaging solely served to protect goods from perishing. Today they play an integral part in marketing the good and are sometimes the only reason why a certain product is preferred over a competitive one.


Neue Feuerfestmaterialien erobern die Märkte - nicht gesundheitsgefährdend, gut zu verarbeiten und hoch belastbar.

07 Sep 2009
Der Gesamtmarkt für Hochtemperaturfasern betrug 2008 weltweit ungefähr EUR 750 Mio. Ein Schwerpunkt der Produktion lag auf keramischen Fasern, die in vielen Fällen als potenziell gesundheitsgefährdend kategorisiert sind oder schwer zu verarbeiten sind.


Increasing energy efficiency needs underpin global insulation markets

01 Sep 2009
Despite of the weak economic situation affecting construction industry, investments in insulations are likely to continue due to rising requirements on energy efficiency.


China Contact recommends Schlegel and Partners (02/2009): Schlegel and Partners support international clients in entering the Chinese market

03 Apr 2009
Despite the economic crisis the interest for China remains high as it is still one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving markets in the world. Sound preparation of the market entry is crucial. Yet, companies often do not have sufficient resources and experience in analyzing market opportunities and sizes. Schlegel and Partners have substantial experience in paving the way to successful business in China.


Gleitringdichtungen garantieren Prozesssicherheit und Umweltschutz in der Prozessindustrie

02 Apr 2009
VDMA beauftragte Schlegel und Partner GmbH als unabhängiges Marktforschungsunternehmen mit der Untersuchung über die Bedeutung der Gleitringdichtungen in der Prozessindustrie.


Business Know-how Japan: Die Bedeutung der "lebenslangen Beschäftigung" und des "Senioritätsprinzips"

02 Apr 2009
Lebenslange Beschäftigung (shushin koyo, 終身雇用) und Seniorität (nenko joretsu, 年功序列), zwei wichtige Prinzipien der Personalführung in japanischen Großbetrieben, stehen in engem Zusammenhang, ja bedingen einander sogar.


Krise ohne Ende oder Bodenbildung schon im Sommer 2009? - Experten und Entscheider aus Wirtschaft und Forschung beziehen Position.

25 Mar 2009
Das Resümee: Mitte des Jahres 2009 haben wir die wirtschaftliche Talsohle erreicht und in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2010 zieht die Wirtschaft wieder an.


Der Verbrennungsmotor ist noch nicht am Ende

20 Mar 2009
In der Öffentlichkeit und auch bei vielen Experten besteht Unsicherheit darüber, wie schnell und mit welchem Volumen Elektrofahrzeuge einen Platz in den Produktions- und Zulassungsstatistiken einnehmen werden. Tatsächlich sind derzeit die Zulassungszahlen von Hybridfahrzeugen in Deutschland rückläufig.


Technologiekonzerne sind längst nicht so innovativ wie vermutet

17 Mar 2009
Trotz vielschichtiger und ausgefeilter Innovationssysteme fehlen Technologiekonzernen sowohl aus Kundensicht als auch aus eigener Warte echte Innovationen. Zu dieser Feststellung gelangte Schlegel und Partner nach Durchführung vieler Kundenzufriedenheitsanalysen für Technologiekonzerne aus den Branchen Automobil, Maschinenbau, Textil, Betriebsstoffe und Zulieferer.


Qualifizierte Kontaktdaten als Schlüssel zur Umsatzsteigerung

16 Feb 2009
In der heutigen Zeit wird es immer schwieriger, schnell und zuverlässig aktuelle Daten über Unternehmen weltweit zu finden. Selbst die im eigenen Unternehmen vorhandenen CRM-Daten sind häufig lückenhaft.


What comes after the economic slump?

02 Feb 2009
2009 will be a difficult year. Despite all uncertainties still existing, this is the core statement of all reports and forecasts regarding the current worldwide economic development. After many revisions of prospects for 2008 and 2009 in recent months, data has now levelled off a little and shows an abrupt slump of worldwide economy in 2008 and the slowest economic pace for decades in 2009. Several countries are in a recession already.


Strategieentwicklung – das Praxisbuch

09 Jan 2009
Das Praxisbuch für alle Unternehmer im Mittelstand, die auch morgen noch erfolgreich sein wollen.

Eine stimmige und marktkonforme Strategie ist die Basis für jedes erfolgreiche Unternehmen. Da Märkte aber ständig in Bewegung sind, muss sich die Unternehmensstrategie in regelmäßigen Abständen an sich verändernde Marktbedingungen anpassen: Produkte und Dienstleistungen sind einem Alterungsprozess unterworfen, der sich je nach Branche sehr rasch verschärfen oder auch verlangsamen kann. Beispiele für so genannte Technologiesprünge oder plötzlich veränderte Marktgegebenheiten gibt es in nahezu allen Industrien.


Weiterer Schritt Richtung saubere Luft

01 Dec 2008
Chinas Regierung drängt auf immer mehr Umweltschutz. Entsprechend einem am 1. Juli 2008 in Kraft getretenen Gesetz sind nun auch Motorradhersteller in China verpflichtet, die Abgasnorm entsprechend EURO III für alle neuentwickelten Modelle zu erfüllen.


„Doutore Claudio“ - Unternehmensrecherche in Brasilien

15 Nov 2008
Für viele Kunden spielt der Brasilianische Markt eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle. Da verlässliche Sekundärinformationen (z. B. aus Unternehmensregister) aber kaum zur Verfügung stehen, recherchiert Schlegel und Partner häufig auch im größten südamerikanischen Land. Nach unseren Erfahrungen sind Telefonrecherchen hier besonders effektiv.


World economy weakens further during third quarter of 2008

20 Oct 2008
World economy weakens further during third quarter of 2008, as one year smouldering financial crisis came to a head. Prospects for 2008 are revised slightly downward. 2009 forecast is difficult, but worldwide recession is still unlikely.
