Schlegel and Partners supports the work of Médecins sans Frontières in Somalia
In view of the devastating drought and famine which Somalia is facing, Schlegel and Partners decided to support the ongoing operation of Médecins sans Frontières in the country. The company donated EUR 2,000 and doubled the associates’ donation so that finally EUR 4,500 were transferred to Médecins sans Frontières.
With this donation Médecins sans Frontières can, for example, treat 290 malnourished children under the age of five with therapeutic ready-to-use food. Over a period of 30 days, the mothers receive the special, ready-prepared food that they feed their children. In general, this period is sufficient for a successful treatment. Or Médecins sans Frontières can ensure the initial treatment of 1,000 disaster victims and prepare severe cases for transport to hospital. The emergency kit contains essential medicines and medical supplies.For innocent civilians the work of Médecins sans Frontières has become one of the rare remaining opportunities to get medical aid. MSF teams have vaccinated more than 150,000 people in and around Somalia for measles, and have treated more than 5,000 patients for the disease this year. Currently, intensive medical care is provided to about 22,000 malnourished children.