Losses and gains - End of the downswing in raw material markets?
06 Apr 2016
A short time ago, a decrease of the crude oil price to as low as USD 20 per barrel in the course of this year was considered to be likely. Now, we observe an increase in the price of Brent and WTI. Prices for metals – especially the gold price – are also on the rise. A turnaround?
M&A in liquid filtration - How to make profitable deals
06 Apr 2016
The rise of biotechnology and statements such as “water as the new oil” have driven investments in liquid filtration technologies in past years. Schlegel und Partner has analyzed acquisitions in liquid filtration from 1998 until now. Identified potential success factors are the product offering of the acquisition target, the set-up of the acquirer and the average price paid.
Trends in Commercial Vehicles 2025: Commercial vehicles of tomorrow: more efficient, lighter and safer
06 Apr 2016
Schlegel und Partner has evaluated upcoming technology trends in commercial vehicles (CV) for the next decade. Three factors could be identified: technologies, efficiency and safety. This article provides a brief overview of measures which can be adopted.
SuP Light Vehicles Forecast 2050
06 Apr 2016
Vehicles with ICE will still cover more than 70% in 2050. Significant market dynamics will start after 2035.Schlegel und Partner analyzed and evaluated current powertrain trends and developments, but also legal, demographic and socio-economic influences to forecast the global light vehicle production by the year 2050.
Light Vehicles Forecast 2050 for Europe: Driven by 48V
06 Apr 2016
Europe will be the leading region for ongoing internal combustion engine improvement. By 2050, 78% of light vehicle production will be based on highly efficient ICE traction combined with different stages of electrification.
Schlegel und Partner in Nonwovens Industry
04 Mar 2016
The Race to Win Over a New Generation of Consumers in AsiaWho will best adapt to the changing markets in China and Southeast Asia and lead in the future?
Spotlight on automotive interior applications: Use the global adhesives life cycle to gain a competitive edge
17 Dec 2015
The global market for adhesives is expected to grow by 4% p.a. until 2020. At 6% p.a. the segment of adhesives developed especially for automotive interiors is growing at an above-average rate. However, this segment is experiencing a fast dynamic change – especially with regard to adhesive types, usage and its raw materials. Thus the question arises: How can an adhesive producer position itself to exploit this trend with the aim of gaining a competitive edge in the automotive interior business?
Man and Machine – Automated driving: Impact on the internal combustion engine
17 Dec 2015
The powertrain is at the heart of every motor vehicle. An increase in safety, efficiency and comfort is often mentioned as a benefit of autonomous driving. However, what real impact will autonomous driving have on existing architectures and components? Which products will benefit most from automation and connectivity?
Subsistence economy 2.0 - Backward integration to secure access to biobased raw materials
17 Dec 2015
Although the price of crude oil is currently low, many companies are already running or developing processes for use of biobased raw materials as fuels and ultimately as feedstock for manufacturing refined products. That is why access to these raw materials is starting to become a critical issue.
Schlegel und Partner on track for market trails: EICMA – Market innovations and technical advances as far as the eye can see
17 Dec 2015
EICMA, Europe‘s largest motorcycle fair, is good for many new releases and advances in diverse segments of motorcycle technology. What has come to stay? What is of market relevance? Schlegel und Partner reveals the underlying facts – and is not content with just reporting trends.
Ein Portrait von Dr. Isabelle Symonds in DLG-Mitteilungen Spezial - Beruf & Karriere
15 Dec 2015
Dr. Isabelle Symonds schildert ihren Berufseinstieg und Karriereweg bei Schlegel und Partner.
VHK career fair at Langen, Germany - SuP at cross-university career fair for engineers
10 Dec 2015
”Technology and consultancy go hand in hand at our company. How can this be communicated to future engineers?” That was the leitmotif of Schlegel und Partner’s debut at the career fair held at Langen, Germany.
10,000 Euros for Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) - The Schlegel und Partner team is continuing its support
01 Dec 2015
For several years now, Schlegel und Partner has supported the organization Médecins sans Frontières. As in previous years, the contribution consists of a donation made by the company’s partners as well as donations by its employees, which the company doubled. Eventually, that summed up to a total of 10,000 Euros.
Silke Brand-Kirsch of Schlegel und Partner spoke at OUTLOOK 2015 conference in Athens
18 Nov 2015
OUTLOOK 2015 is the World's Premier Nonwoven Personal Care and Hygiene Products Conference organised by edana - The Voice of Nonwovens. Players in the nonwovens personal care and hygiene products supply chain meet high level speakers find numerous networking opportunities.The conference took place in Athens, Greece, from September 23 to 25, 2015.
Silke Brand-Kirsch of Schlegel und Partner spoke at Hygienix 2015 in St. Petersburg, Florida
17 Nov 2015
Hygienix is the premier event for Absorbent Hygiene & Personal Care MarketsThe event was organised by inda - Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry and took place from October 26 - 29, 2015.
Schlegel und Partner in METissue: Is Southeast Asia the new China? A review of the Hygiene Industry in the region
11 Nov 2015
SEA remains an attractive growth region for hygiene producers, but major investment flows in hygiene converting and nonwovens are already completed. There is increasing competition at converter level, especially as local players are becoming stronger and new players are still entering the market.
Successful Automotive Shareposium 2015 at Deidesheim
29 Oct 2015
"Shift of power in fast changing market structures"Numerous representatives of global supplier groups and medium-sized businesses as well as people from universities came together at the first networking exchange and discussion round to consider the topic of “Shift of power in fast changing market structures“.
Schlegel und Partner in der Oktober 2015 Ausgabe des IHK Magazins Rhein-Neckar
26 Oct 2015
Neben aktuellen Themen und Trends berichtet das IHK Magazin regelmäßig über erfolgreiche Firmen und Verbände in der Region. Als die Marktforschung und Unternehmensberatung für technisch orientierte Branchen wird Schlegel und Partner mit Sitz in Weinheim in dieser Ausgabe vorgestellt.
With the next Five-Year-Plan into China’s next ‘new normal’
01 Oct 2015
China’s current economic approach has had its day. Slowed growth, environmental and socio-economic problems, stock market crashes and an increasingly demanding Chinese population require a new approach which is expected to be reflected in the up-coming 13th Five-Year-Plan. The Plan will set the course for China’s next “new normal” as a high-income sustainable economy with a moderately prosperous society.
EUROPE – A concept under scrutiny
16 Sep 2015
In recent months, the Greek crisis has placed a severe strain on Europe and massively commandeered the skills and capacities of the regional “top management”. But there are many other strategically important fields of action that urgently need sustainable concepts and their implementation.
Man and Machine – Automated Driving: Infrastructure and Investments
16 Sep 2015
The infrastructure is an issue of crucial importance for a functioning environment permitting automated and autonomous driving. What is the impact of infrastructure quality and of traffic density? Who will contribute the necessary investments?
Voice of Customer – do you speak “customerese”? (4)
16 Sep 2015
Part 4: Survey methods – Do you hear “customerese”?The measurement of customer expectations and customer satisfaction is an essential prerequisite for targeted quality management. In our periodi-cally published series “Voice of Customer” we provide an overview of the most important methodological aspects. In the upcoming issues, we will take a closer look at planning a customer satisfaction survey. The present article deals with the advantages and disadvantages of various survey methods for collecting customer feedback.
Innovation meets tradition - Schlegel und Partner creates room for future growth
16 Sep 2015
Innovation and tradition are not mutually exclusive. Combining them, in fact, opens up vital opportunities in international competition. In order to ensure future growth and to remain connected to their established location, Schlegel und Partner inaugurated new office space in Bergstrasse 45, close to the headquarters in Ludwigstrasse.
Schlegel und Partner at the 10th International MTZ Conference 2015 Heavy-Duty-, On- and Off-Highway Engines
01 Sep 2015
“Sustainable concepts put to the test” is the motto of the MTZ conference “Heavy-Duty, On- and Off-Highway Engines” on November 24th and 25th, 2015.The current vehicle and engine development in the heavy duty segment is strongly driven by efficiency and emission targets. Due to the high importance of fuel consumption in the commercial vehicle segment and the related total costs of ownership (TCO), these developments are not only driven by the legislative side. Therefore, everyone is talking about Waste Heat Recovery systems.
Refreshed and Renewed: Schlegel und Partner’s logo appears in a new look reflecting the spirit of the company
13 Aug 2015
Schlegel und Partner, the market research and consulting company for technology-focused fields, has revised its logo and matched it to the international scope of the business.
Schlegel und Partner spendet erneut Elektroartikel an die PC-Tafel Neustadt
09 Jul 2015
Die Weinheimer Unternehmensberatung Schlegel und Partner hat nicht nur ein scharfes Auge für internationale technische Märkte, sondern auch für lokale Bedürfnisse. So war es eine leichte Entscheidung im Mai 2015 bereits zum wiederholten Mal PCs an die PC-Tafel Neustadt zu spenden.
SuP awarded by kununu - the leading employer rating site
02 Jul 2015
We recently received two esteemed quality labels from kununu, a platform on which employers can be assessed and reviewed.
Exclusive Interview with Silke Brand-Kirsch of Schlegel und Partner about the Nonwoven Industry
23 Jun 2015
In an exclusive interview with Technical Textiles.net, Silke Brand-Kirsch of Schlegel und Partner, talks about the growth prospects of the nonwovens industry, its biggest markets, sustainability, and SuP's expansion plans.
Voice of Customer – do you speak “customerese”? (3)
11 May 2015
Part 3: Interpretation of customer satisfaction scoresThe measurement of customer expectations and customer satisfaction is an essential prerequisite for targeted quality management. In our periodi-cally published series “Voice of Customer” we will provide an overview of the most important methodological aspects. Part 3 of the series deals with interpretation and utilization of results from customer satisfaction surveys.
SOUTHEAST ASIA: The true extent of Chinese influence
11 May 2015
Southeast Asia is the next region in Asia to experience rapid economic growth after China and India. It offers excellent business opportunities for companies from all around the globe to extend their activities beyond their traditional targets in Asia. Business experience gained in China and Chinese language skills can help companies to get a head start in Southeast Asia as there are 28 million people of Chinese descent often in key economic positions.
Catch my online attention… if you can!
11 May 2015
Think globally, act locally! Several studies by Schlegel und Partner have shown that for global B2B companies direct personal contact is still the most important channel of communication with customers, employees and applicants, with the media and the public. In this direct B2B communication, intercultural competence is gaining importance. But what about the corporate online activities of globally present B2B companies? Is it worthwhile for B2B companies to run a corporate website and corporate social media activities in the United States in another way and with other content than in Germany, India or China? What role do different target groups play in this context?
Man and machine – Automated driving: Legal and liability hurdles
11 May 2015
Engineers have cherished the dream of autonomous driving ever since the 1920s.Almost 100 years have meanwhile passed and we are now discussing different possible ways of actually implementing this vision on the road. But what active contribution will a driver have to make when riding in an automated vehicle? And what legal hurdles and consequences will have to be overcome?
Oily world- Causes of the recent oil price development and outlook
07 May 2015
The price of Brent (Europe) and WTI (USA) crude oil has almost halved since July 2014. What was initially perceived as a sign of a weaker world economy now turns out to be a massive change on the supply side.
SuP at Electric & Electronic Systems in Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management
21 Apr 2015
April 22-23 2015 in Bad Boll near Stuttgartwww.eehe.deHolger Richter presents "48V - The new mild hybrid?"
SuP Cover-Story in Asia Bridge: Umweltschutz China
15 Apr 2015
Es wird ernst! Seit Januar ist der Umweltschutz in China politisches Staatsziel für alle Regierungsebenen. Besonders lokale Umweltbehörden und NGOs (Nichtregierungsorganisationen) bekamen die langersehnten Mittel an die Hand, die verheerende Umweltverschmutzung zu bekämpfen. Doch sind auch Industrieunternehmen bereit, die zusätzlichen Kosten auf sich zu nehmen?
Schlegel und Partner über die Welt des Stickstoffs in den DLG-Mitteilungen
15 Apr 2015
Stickstoff gilt als "Motor des Pflanzenwachstums" und ist neben Phosphor und Kalium die wichtigste Düngerform. Weltweit wird die Pflanzenproduktion ausgeweitet bzw. intensiviert, womit auch der Stickstoffdüngerbedarf wächst. Schlegel und Partner hat die Struktur des globalen Marktes für Stickstoffdünger untersucht und gibt in den Mitteilungen der DLG e.V. (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) einen Ausblick für die weitere Marktentwicklung.
Schlegel und Partner consults DPE Deutsche Private Equity in an MBO-Deal of J.H. Ziegler
09 Mar 2015
As a part of DPE Deutsche Private Equity’s investment in J.H. Ziegler, Schlegel und Partner carried out the Commercial Due Diligence analysis. The analysis covered J.H. Ziegler’s market position, established a prognosis of growth potential, calculated J.H. Ziegler’s market worth and quantified the sales development from the bottom-up.
Market analysis in China - Successful market research in a challenging environment
16 Dec 2014
Due to its market size and market growth, China is an attractive sales region for globally operating industrial enterprises. But market conditions differ considerably from those in other target markets. Thus, a detailed prior exploration is an important precondition for successful market cultivation. Schlegel und Partner has been conducting customer-specific analyses in this confusingly large and often officially regulated country for many years and can offer authoritative insights for crucial strategic decisions.
Voice of Customer – Do you speak “customerese”? - Part II Customer Satisfaction
15 Dec 2014
The measurement of customer expectations and customer satisfaction is an essential prerequisite for targeted quality management. In our periodically published series, “Voice of Customer”, we will provide an overview of the most important methodological aspects.Part II: Customer Satisfaction
SuP donates over 8,000 euros to "Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors without Borders" - Social responsibility for healthy growth
15 Dec 2014
Being a "Schlegel" also means taking social and economic responsibility for global development.
Motorcycle production boom in India
23 Sep 2014
For a long time India's motorcycle manufacturers have been producing mainly for the domestic market. Now they are on the way to becoming global players.
Voice of Customer – do you speak "customerese"?
23 Sep 2014
Measurement of customer expectations and customer satisfaction is an essential prerequisite for targeted quality management. In our periodically published series "Voice of Customer", we will provide an overview of the most important methodological aspects.
Super Cycle or Junk Bike: the future of raw material markets
23 Sep 2014
Contrary to expectations, the enormous price hike for many raw materials came to halt around the year 2012 and price levels started to fall, at least modestly. Despite current conflicts that are again affecting energy-related prices – especially those for crude oil and for natural gas – present discussions among raw material intensive industries and financial investors tend to focus upon whether this marks the end of the "Raw Materials Super Cycle".
5. VDI-Fachkonferenz "Automobiles Cockpit" - Lecture by Sebastian Kohler (October 21-22, 2014)
21 Sep 2014
The rise of glass – Increasing customer requirements and current interior megatrends require sophisticated materials
Belastungen der deutschen Industrie durch den Russland-Konflikt nehmen weiter zu
12 Sep 2014
Schon seit über einem Jahr macht sich der anhaltende Konflikt zwischen Russland und der Ukraine in der deutschen Außenhandelsstatistik negativ bemerkbar. Durch die verschärften Sanktionen der EU gegen Russland wird sich der Abwärtstrend mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit weiter beschleunigen. Neueste Schätzungen erwarten für das Gesamtjahr 2014 einen Rückgang der deutschen Exporte nach Russland um 7 Mrd. Euro und einen damit verbundenen Wegfall von 25.000 bis 50.000 Arbeitsplätzen in der Bundesrepublik.
Schlegel and Partners speak at Aachen Colloquium in China (November 13-14, 2014)
05 Sep 2014
Automobile and Engine Technology
Schlegel und Partner bei der 7. MTZ-Fachtagung 2014 Ladungswechsel im Verbrennungsmotor
04 Sep 2014
Wege zur optimalen Gemischbildung und VerbrennungInformieren Sie sich aus erster Hand über die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Praxis.
Silke Brand-Kirsch of Schlegel and Partners speaks in the Geotextiles Workshop at index14 in Geneva
21 Apr 2014
The global market for geotextiles in 2013 is about EUR 2.2 billions and is expected to grow with a CAGR of more than 10% until 2023. Nonwoven geotextiles account for over 50% of the overall demand of geotextiles in terms of value and 65% in m2.
FLABEG Deutschland GmbH: Due Diligence made by Schlegel und Partner
02 Apr 2014
Die FLABEG Deutschland GmbH ist ein renommiertes mittelständiges Unternehmen mit Sitz in Nürnberg und ist spezialisiert auf die Herstellung, Bearbeitung, Veredelung und den Vertrieb von Flachglas, technischen Spiegellösungen und bietet anspruchsvolle Beschichtungslösungen für Glas. FLABEGs USP ist die effiziente Produktion großer Stückzahlen und die hohe Kompetenz in der Herstellung und Bearbeitung von komplexen Glasanwendungen. Schlegel und Partner unterstützte FLABEG in ihrem kürzlich erfolgten Due Diligence Prozess.
Focus your business: Is there a need for a key account management for the food and beverage industries?
04 Feb 2014
The food and beverage industries offer a vast variety of applications for air, gas and liquid filtration and separation equipment. Almost every conceivable technology for filtration and separation of materials, particles, and contaminants will be found here, ranging from dust removal equipment for powders and granulates to HEPA / ULPA filters in filling equipment for the dairy industry and extending all the way to product filtration equipment such as filters for milk and for spirits and also for juice clarification.