INNOVATION #  Exploring new ways  # And securing the future in doing so


Exploring new ways

And securing the future in doing so
Would you like to assess emerging technologies in terms of their importance for your company, identify opportunities and risks?
You would like to find innovations that enable you to differentiate? Are you looking for criteria to distinguish promising ideas from those without a chance and are you looking for ways to systematically turn these ideas into new promising products?

We provide you with ideas and support you with technology screenings, IP research, scenario analyses and systematic evaluations of first concepts, technologies and products. With us, you will find partners for your projects and we will support you in optimizing your innovation processes.

Case studies

  • Technology screening with the aim to develop new long-term business opportunities in the field of nutrition and consumer products
  • Two-stage analysis of innovation ideas with basic evaluation of potential and subsequent detailed assessment including consideration of property rights, potential competitors, market volumes as well as sales and earnings potentials
  • Cooperation partner for the commercialization of a new technology in medicine and pharmaceuticals
  • The contribution of German space technology to technological development: assessment of technology fields
  • Future agricultural technologies in the fields of water and plant health
  • Technical and commercial evaluation of various technologies for combustion optimization with assessment of expected willingness to buy

Contact person
Dr. Thorsten Böhn
Partner, Director Life Science
+49 6201 9915 79
Contact person
Dr. Helmut Weldle
Director Methods and Interaction
+49 6201 9915 52