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News around SuP



Seizing the untapped potential of waste

16 Mar 2023
The reliability of value chains is one of the key issues of our modern economy. To guarantee competitiveness with alternative raw materials, it is important to ensure the development of new supply channels. It is time to turn garbage to gold.


Activities and opportunities in Green Ammonia

13 Mar 2023
Schlegel und Partner shares insights on the role of Green Ammonia, indicating current developments, plans and activities for scaling the business.


Green Ammonia opportunities: Pathway to carbon neutrality

08 Mar 2023
“Green ammonia” is a term increasingly resonating in the energy industry, mainly driven by the global efforts to reduce carbon emissions over the coming decades. Whereas 1 ton of conventional ammonia emits 2 tons of CO2, production of green ammonia would see it produced from renewable energy sources, emitting zero carbon.


Smart farming on the rise

22 Feb 2023

In this decade, smart farming technologies are expected to be the most important drivers of agricultural production.

Supplying the world's growing population with food is one of the key challenges of the 21st century, especially in view of climate change. New technological advances in agriculture, so-called smart farming, represent a major opportunity to make optimum use of available resources and thus ensure global food security.


Social Responsibility 2023

25 Jan 2023

Schlegel und Partner ist wieder Partner-Unternehmen 2023 von ÄRZTE OHNE GRENZEN e.V.


B2B mobile apps – relevant for future customer interaction?

18 Jan 2023
In a more recent study, Schlegel und Partner discussed possibilities and limits of using mobile apps for supplier-customer interaction in industrial B2B settings. Some advocates suggested that there are potentially thousands of reasons to utilize this channel, from attracting new customers to making existing products more attractive. However, when looking for actual use cases in an industrial context, there are good reasons to keep a more sober, realistic attitude towards opportunities and expectations.


Controlled environment agriculture – New markets for high-tech greenhouses

11 Jan 2023
Changing climatic conditions with increasingly frequent extreme weather events pose major problems for food production. However, agriculture is not only affected by climate change due to increasingly fluctuating yields, but is also an active driver of climate change due to methane and nitrous oxide emissions and the use of mineral fertilizers. Controlled environment agriculture could be a tool to address these two problems simultaneously in the future. For this reason, strong growth of this market can be assumed in particular for high-tech greenhouses.


Schlegel und Partner expertise in demand at the Food Ingredients (FI) Europe in Paris

15 Dec 2022
FI Sustainability Hub - How to drive smarter business decisions?
At this year’s FI Europe, a new Sustainability Hub offered a robust conference programming. Sustainability is on everyone’s mind in the broader food and beverage industry. Reliable and correct data gathering is essential do drive smart business decisions in the future.


Cultured protein and fat – the next big thing?

13 Dec 2022

The production of animal proteins and fats from stem cells, known as cultured protein and fat, represents an opportunity to address the challenges of resource-intensive livestock farming and the increasing global demand for animal-based food. However, production scalability, process efficiency and texture need to be improved to realize its potential in the future. In addition, country-specific regulatory requirements should be considered.


Great time for progress in team.

05 Dec 2022
Premiere der SuP Academy Week


How will brake design for electric vehicles change?

23 Nov 2022
Given the high weight and high performance of premium BEVs, how will brake design change this decade?


50 Jahre diplomatische und wirtschaftliche Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und der VR China

22 Nov 2022
Haiju Lu und Dorothea Slevogt von Schlegel und Partner nahmen am 15. November 2022 an der Jubiläumsveranstaltung „50 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und der VR China“ teil.


EuroTier and EnergyDecentral – innovations in animal farming and decentralized energy supply

15 Nov 2022
Value chains, the ecosystem as well as the demands on livestock farming and decentralized energy supply are changing globally. Therefore actively shaping the future of this industry is crucial. Schlegel und Partner gains valuable insights and latest trends to support its customers in this transformation.


Is the plug-in hybrid at an end?

10 Nov 2022
The penetration curve for electromobility in passenger cars is slowly reaching its maximum growth rate. Avantgardists have been driving electrically for a long time. Nearly all automakers offer suitable in the proportionally strong model categories SUV, sedan, compact car and finally offer choice in this market.


TAE Tagung „Perspektiven der Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Technologie“

09 Nov 2022
Sich den Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Energiewirtschaft zu stellen und Potenziale zu heben, ist unabdingbar für unsere Zukunft.


The electric powertrain is at the beginning of its development

27 Oct 2022
Never before have more concepts for electric machines been developed and presented than in the last ten years. Although the electric motor has been known for over a hundred years, it seems to be just now at the beginning of its development. This is due to several factors.


"f-cell" becomes "hy-fcell"... not only in Stuttgart

12 Oct 2022
The exhibition accompanying the conference about fuel cells (and hydrogen) can be described as small but nice. After all, the number of exhibitors with about 120 and the number of visitors with about 2,000 doubled compared to the previous year.


Plant-based meets cellular agriculture – alternative proteins transform our food system

06 Oct 2022
Estimations assume that by 2035 around 11% of the Europeans are vegetarian or vegan. Sales of plant-based products are increasing significantly. Cellular agriculture and precision fermentation have the potential to transform our food system.


iaa Transportation 2022 - in a nutshell

29 Sep 2022
Less visitors and less exhibitors than in 2018...but a new, modern face with many innovations - the iaa Transportation 2022.


Rohstoffmärkte senden Schockwellen – eröffnen aber auch Chancen für Alternativen

22 Sep 2022
Beschleunigte Transformation hin zu alternativen Herstellungsprozessen als Lösung?

Der Ukraine-Konflikt hat erhebliche Verwerfungen auf den Rohstoffmärkten zur Folge. Die vor allem in Europa rapide steigenden Energiekosten treffen nicht nur energieintensive, rohstoffnahe Betriebe, sondern letztlich fast alle Unternehmen entlang der Wertschöpfungsketten.


Schlegel und Partner continues to be climate neutral

19 Sep 2022
We are very proud to announce that we remain a carbon neutral company for the third consecutive year. This means we are keeping track of our greenhouse gas emissions to continuously reduce them and further offset unavoidable emissions through carbon-offset projects.


Hydrogen in the mobility sector

01 Sep 2022
Hydrogen is intensively discussed as energy carrier of the future. Schlegel und Partner comments on noticeably increased activities in the mobility sector with regard to application-specific expectancies in the on-road and off-road sectors. We address changing demands on the competencies for automotive suppliers in the new field, as well as unsolved problems that create opportunities for growth and innovation. (Video clip in German language)


Biotech will enable the sustainable protein revolution of the future

11 Aug 2022
Precision fermentation and biotech is a wider family of lab-based food production techniques using bioreactors instead of animals or fields. It shows unlocking disruptive opportunites in sustainable food and alternative proteins.


Trink- und Brauchwassernutzung: Zweckmäßigkeit von Wasserfiltern am Point-of-Use

04 Aug 2022
Die Trinkwasserverordnung in Deutschland garantiert einwandfreies Wasser bis zum Hausanschluss. Im Gebäude ist dann zunächst der Eigentümer für die Wasserqualität bis zur Wasserauslassstelle verantwortlich. Dann entscheidet der Wassernutzer, ob er neben dem üblichen Metallsieb im Wasserhahn auch andere Filtersysteme an der Wasserauslassstelle, dem Point-of-Use, einsetzt.


Garantiert einwandfreies Wasser?

03 Aug 2022
Trink- und Brauchwassernutzung und die Zweckmäßigkeit von Wasserfiltern am Point-of-Entry: Die Trinkwasserverordnung garantiert einwandfreies Wasser – jedoch nur bis zum Hausanschluss.


Identify future market chances in the filtration market

03 Aug 2022
The demand and awareness for more efficent filtration of particulates was pushed by COVID-19 in the past two years. The growing usage of air purifiers in public buildings as well as private households is an example of this phenomenon.


Benchmark analyses: beneficial perspectives and takeaways

28 Jun 2022
When reviewing the findings of recent benchmark analyses among our clients, we have repeatedly noticed that the competitive aspect takes a back seat: benchmark analyses are not primarily about looking at others and comparing oneself, but about putting one's own structures, processes and actions into a new perspective – helping us to have a better self-assessment.


Hydrogen transport and infrastructure

23 Jun 2022
Hydrogen has been a topic of discussion for a long time, with many facets. Schlegel und Partner comments on trends and changes of hydrogen transport and infrastructure, and discusses which opportunities are opening up for existing and new suppliers.
(video clip in German language)


Recycling im Fokus auf der aabc Europe

22 Jun 2022
Die Top-Themen aus Sicht von SuP auf der aabc 2022: Ressourcenknappheit mit einhergehender Weiterentwicklung der Zellchemie, Aufbau einer Recyclingindustrie sowie Innovationen im Bereich Batteriesicherheit.


Social Media verändert die Erfolgsfaktoren für Corporate Communication – von umfangreichen Fließtexten zu kurzen, digitalen Botschaften

21 Jun 2022
Um zukunftsorientiert aufgestellt zu sein, hat SuP für ein international agierendes B2B Industrieunternehmen eine Benchmark Analyse zur internen und externen Unternehmenskommunikation durchgeführt.


B2B brands: loyalty suffers from economic pressure

14 Jun 2022
What are my alternatives? Faced with economic pressure and increasing effects on business performance, B2B companies start to forget about brand and supplier loyalty and seek security by changing sourcing strategies.


Aufbruchsstimmung in Hannover

03 Jun 2022
Schlegel und Partner Mitarbeiter aus den Abteilungen Maschinenbau und Automotive erfuhren auf der - im Hybridformat durchgeführten - Hannover Messe 2022 die Dynamik im Bereich CO2-neutrale Produktion und Wasserstoff.


EV stations are shifting into a new smart era

20 May 2022
One trend is pretty clear - only a cross-sector joint approach can bring the industry towards its desired EVs and CO2 targets.


Schlegel und Partner visited the World Hydrogen 2022 Summit & Exhibition

20 May 2022
For us, the exhibition of more than 180 companies made one thing clear:
Now is the time for investments in the hydrogen sector. More and more potential suppliers are specializing on that field.


Legionellen sind der häufigste Grund für den Einsatz von Wasserfilter am Point-of-Use

20 May 2022
H2O Qualität in Deutschland - Trink- und Brauchwassernutzung: Überschreitet Trinkwasser hierzulande an der Auslassstelle (Point-of-Use = POU) den gesetzlich festgeschriebenen Grenzwert an Legionellen, so ist der Einsatz eines entsprechenden Filters fast unausweichlich, wenn Menschenleben nicht gefährdet werden sollen.


Chemical industry and sustainability

03 Mar 2022
The chemical industry is moved in a special way by the mega trends 'Sustainability' and 'Circularity'. In a video clip, Schlegel und Partner comments on the paths typically taken by companies in the chemical industry to become more sustainable.


Probiotika - die guten Darmbakterien - Markt-Trends, Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen

21 Feb 2022
Am Beispiel der probiotischen Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zeigt sich, dass im Markt für Functional-Food-Produkte verschiedene Herausforderungen bestehen. Die Wettbewerbsintensität ist hoch, der Markt entwickelt sich schnell und Marktlücken können nur mit ausreichend Expertise identifiziert werden.


Mit den Aufgaben wachsen

27 Jan 2022
Für eine Laufbahn voller Möglichkeiten


SuP commentary on economic development

08 Nov 2021
Schlegel und Partner provides an evaluation of the current and future economic situation and its effects. The initial impulse of this evaluation is the report of the Federal Statistical Office for the third quarter of 2021.


SuP commentary on economic development

06 Aug 2021
Schlegel und Partner provides an evaluation of the current and future economic situation and its effects. The initial impulse of this evaluation is the report of the Federal Statistical Office for the second quarter of 2021.


Strong partner to identify future opportunities in the changing food and agribusiness environment

08 Jun 2021
The global food industry is rapidly changing. New trends are popping up: alternative protein, precision fermentation or cultured meat are some buzzwords. To identify which developments need further evaluation, the food and agribusiness industry is looking for a strong market research and consulting company. Schlegel und Partner is such a specialized partner.
