"f-cell" becomes "hy-fcell"... not only in Stuttgart
The exhibition accompanying the conference about fuel cells (and hydrogen) can be described as small but nice. After all, the number of exhibitors with about 120 and the number of visitors with about 2,000 doubled compared to the previous year.
While event formats around the topic of hydrogen have been springing up for some time, the original "f-cell" looks back on a history of already more than 20 years. With a new main sponsor, the return to the exhibition center in Stuttgart and the change of the name to "hy-fcell", the event wants to position itself for the future. The format will also be held in Shanghai, Riyadh and Vancouver in the coming months.
The renaming certainly also takes into account the required holistic approach to a hydrogen economy. This is evident in the conference contributions as well as in the exhibitors, which have project planning, subsidies, matchmaking and knowledge transfer as their main topic. On a national level, the German states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Saxony and Baden-Württemberg presented their projects and activities. Internationally, North America in particular was represented with Canada and the USA.
At the technology level, system suppliers for fuel cells and electrolyzers, a number of component suppliers for bipolar plates, seals, coatings, membranes, and suppliers of corresponding machines and systems were present. The development potential in terms of system efficiency, cost reduction and durability is still enormous and, if solved, gives hope for or competitiveness for some applications. Real competitiveness has not yet been achieved with the Hyundai Nexo, but the test drive was at least "pleasantly unspectacular"…
Even though - with a few exceptions - the crowds at many booths were rather modest, many exhibitors reported qualified discussions with the expert audience and also promising business contacts. Overall, the event illustrates the numerous activities of the different players in a young up-and-coming industry that has yet to find its structures. © Schlegel und Partner GmbH 2022Interested in further information and expert exchange? Please do not hesitate to contact:
Sebastian Lüttig, phone +49 6201 9915 67,
The renaming certainly also takes into account the required holistic approach to a hydrogen economy. This is evident in the conference contributions as well as in the exhibitors, which have project planning, subsidies, matchmaking and knowledge transfer as their main topic. On a national level, the German states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Saxony and Baden-Württemberg presented their projects and activities. Internationally, North America in particular was represented with Canada and the USA.
At the technology level, system suppliers for fuel cells and electrolyzers, a number of component suppliers for bipolar plates, seals, coatings, membranes, and suppliers of corresponding machines and systems were present. The development potential in terms of system efficiency, cost reduction and durability is still enormous and, if solved, gives hope for or competitiveness for some applications. Real competitiveness has not yet been achieved with the Hyundai Nexo, but the test drive was at least "pleasantly unspectacular"…
Even though - with a few exceptions - the crowds at many booths were rather modest, many exhibitors reported qualified discussions with the expert audience and also promising business contacts. Overall, the event illustrates the numerous activities of the different players in a young up-and-coming industry that has yet to find its structures. © Schlegel und Partner GmbH 2022Interested in further information and expert exchange? Please do not hesitate to contact:
Sebastian Lüttig, phone +49 6201 9915 67,