Schlegel und Partner is climate neutral
Schlegel und Partner – Your Market Insighters – has been active in identifying market opportunities for innovations in the fields of environment and sustainability for many years. Now we want also contribute to the drive for global climate neutrality, by taking responsibility for our own carbon footprint.
For the term 2019/2020, we will be climate neutral. It is our aim to avoid unnecessary, reduce existing, and compensate unavoidable carbon emissions. a first step, we invested together with ClimatePartner in two environmental and energy related projects in Peru (efficient cooking stoves) and in DR Congo (hydropower plant in the biotope of mountain gorillas to reduce the usage of wood as charcoal) to compensate the 250 tons of carbon emissions induced by us this year. Both projects are certified by Gold Standard (GS) and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) respectively, featuring rigorous environmental and social safeguards.We believe that carbon emission compensation is only a third best option – after avoidance and reduction. For a period of transition in which alternative mobility and energy concepts are just about to evolve, compensation is however meaningful to considerably reduce carbon emissions where it is possible and economically most feasible and to become aware of our ecological footprint.Besides compensating carbon emissions, Schlegel und Partner will take further actions to avoid unnecessary and to reduce existing carbon emissions. For example, we will check options to reduce energy usage for heating, cooling, lighting and IT, carefully choose appropriate modes of transport and evaluate options to source green electricity.© Schlegel und Partner 2020 a first step, we invested together with ClimatePartner in two environmental and energy related projects in Peru (efficient cooking stoves) and in DR Congo (hydropower plant in the biotope of mountain gorillas to reduce the usage of wood as charcoal) to compensate the 250 tons of carbon emissions induced by us this year. Both projects are certified by Gold Standard (GS) and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) respectively, featuring rigorous environmental and social safeguards.We believe that carbon emission compensation is only a third best option – after avoidance and reduction. For a period of transition in which alternative mobility and energy concepts are just about to evolve, compensation is however meaningful to considerably reduce carbon emissions where it is possible and economically most feasible and to become aware of our ecological footprint.Besides compensating carbon emissions, Schlegel und Partner will take further actions to avoid unnecessary and to reduce existing carbon emissions. For example, we will check options to reduce energy usage for heating, cooling, lighting and IT, carefully choose appropriate modes of transport and evaluate options to source green electricity.© Schlegel und Partner 2020