Strong partner to identify future opportunities in the changing food and agribusiness environment
The global food industry is rapidly changing. New trends are popping up: alternative protein, precision fermentation or cultured meat are some buzzwords. To identify which developments need further evaluation, the food and agribusiness industry is looking for a strong market research and consulting company. Schlegel und Partner is such a specialized partner.
Schlegel und Partner has a long tradition in global food and agribusiness markets and knows what the market is looking for and which insights are necessary for a successful market entry or to enlarge the current business.In the May issue of the “The Innovations in Food Technology” magazine, you will find a brief introduction to what market research looks like, which thresholds may occur and where market research and consultancy may leverage your business.Picture source: CrazyCloud -© Schlegel und Partner 2021
Download: The Innovations in Food Technology, SuP, Successfully Breaking New Ground, May 2021.pdf, 79570 kB