Chinese New Year

Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 猪年吉祥! 새해복 많이 받으세요!
狗岁已赢十段锦,猪年更上一层楼。猪在欧洲的文化里也是吉祥的化身,意味着繁荣、富足和好运。祝您在猪年里身体健康,事业蒸蒸日上,阖家幸福。新春快乐!The pig is a major lucky charm in Northern Europe. It stands for prosperity, wealth and good fortune. In China, the pig is also said to have strong strategic foresight, brilliant project management and business skills. A fantastic year to embark on new business ventures with the support of Schlegel und Partner.© Schlegel und Partner 2019