Deutsche Biotechnologietage – innovations in biotech
At the Deutsche Biotechnologietage (DBT) hosted in Wiesbaden from 28.03. to 29.03.2023, European as well as globally active players of the biotech industry met to exchange information about the current situation of the industry and latest innovations. In this context Schlegel und Partner gained insights into the current state of biotechnology and important future strategic moves. The keywords of the future are digitalization, a miniaturization of research, circularity and personalization of medical treatments such as cancer therapies.
After the development processes in the biotech sector were significantly accelerated in recent years with the help of digitalization processes, this development continues to gain momentum. Thanks to artificial intelligence, more and more data can be obtained and made usable. Thus, the development leads from the pure generation of data to its mass and at the same time targeted evaluation. However, as laboratories become more and more connected, new problems come into focus. For example, uniform software standards and a modern legal framework still need to be found, especially with regard to questions of data protection and liability. In particular, for the future use of artificial intelligence from basic research in the laboratory to medical practice, these questions are more acute than ever.The speakers attested a partly positive development for Germany as a biotechnology location. While research and development have always been at an extremely high level, successful transfer into practice is now more frequent, despite still unfavorable political and legal regulations. However, the participants at the conference also agreed that the scalability of promising processes is still often lacking in Germany. Companies regularly encounter problems with regard to the procurement of raw materials or the development of new sales markets. Biotech companies therefore have to embark on an often difficult path of opening up new sales and procurement markets, both regionally and product-wise. We at Schlegel und Partner can accompany you on this way due to our long experience and wide network. To learn more about us and how we can support you to grow responsibly, please contact us.Are you interested in further information?
Martin Beck
Phone number +49 6201 9915 11 Dr. Isabelle Symonds
Phone number +49 6201 9915 10© Schlegel und Partner 2023
Martin Beck
Phone number +49 6201 9915 11 Dr. Isabelle Symonds
Phone number +49 6201 9915 10© Schlegel und Partner 2023